Monday, May 10, 2010

Going Coastal

The first thing I have to figure out in Costa Rica, aisde from what is their currency, is to decide whether to take on the mountain of death to San Jose or the coastal road through Jaco. As soon as I found out that the western coastal road is all paved now...the decision was an easy one:-)

The coast is a wonderful mix of gringo tourist all vying forn a piece of the ecotourism aaction, swing in the canopy, laying about on the beach, secret hikes in the forest to some unknow waterhole, game fishing in the sea, yoga in the clouded virgin forest, all the while the locals toiling away for a mighty dollar clearing the over growth on the side of the road, or harvesting the endless row of imported Arabic palms trees in 30 plus degree heat.

After two weeks of riding, I have finalkly regain my cycling touring form...specially in the morning coolness, I can easily tap out 60-70km before noon time. Afternoon is for siester and playtime, it´s simply too hot to ride. Thundershower usually rolls in around 3-5pm and lasts about an hour or all night long. I hope my tent will hold together for the remainder of the journey. So far freelance camping is going well, I have had some really interesting spot and have met some really cool locals.

Hopefully the next time I write, I´ll be in Nigaragua.

best to all

1 comment:

Alex said...

Pics, Pics, and Pics!